Tuesday, 17 April 2012

[GENERAL] The future is now

Never give up on your dreams. I have always wanted to do something significant, amazing and unique. I want to be a writer, a doctor, a traveller. It's a dream which seems impossible, but with all the amazing changes going on around us, and with the boundless opportunities I have; I think it would be selfish of me to hold back.

Tips on how to follow your dreams:
1) Surround yourself with loving caring people(haters are going to hate, but you don't need to be around them constantly)

2) Love and believe in yourself(the only person stopping you from being your best is you)

3) Try so hard, that even if your dreams don't come true, you'd know you've done all you could have.

Good-luck to all the dreamers, adventures and flyers out there.

Who would have thought man would make it to the moon, or fly over oceans.