Sunday 15 December 2013

[GENERAL] Daydreaming-seems like all I can do well :D

To my future first love,

I hope you love me back and our love it is not unrequited. I love you already and I think of you continuously. I hope you’re handsome but if you’re not too handsome I won’t mind too much. What do you like to do? Do play an instrument if you do I hope it is the piano because well, doesn’t it just sound romantic? If you can sing you will be probably be better than me because I sound like a crow howling. Can crows howl? I don’t think so. I want to do so many things. Like travel. Let’s travel a lot. The first place I want to travel to is Korea so you better learn Hangeul before we meet. Then you can choose the next destination. Let’s be really happy ok. Are you saved, do you love God? If not let’s go to church together anyway. Most importantly let us be honest with each other and try not to break my heart. When we kiss put your hand around my waist and whisper gently into my ears how much you love me. I hope I can help you fulfil your dreams. When we first meet please come up to me first and make me laugh. When I can laugh with someone I feel us if I can trust them. I guess everyone feels the same. Let’s be really close friends. Best friends. Let’s go to the coffee shop then I will order a chai latte, I won’t mind if you offer to pay. I will say, ‘are you sure, next time it’s on me’. Then smile. Warning: I am too cheap to pay for you next time so let’s conveniently forget about it. O.K. good.

I will study hard so when we meet I will be really smart and speak eloquently.

P.S obviously that picture is not mine, if it is yours don't kill me, tell me and I will credit you.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

[GENERAL] Inside my mind and upcoming review on Wuthering Heights

I have been recently thinking about life as you do when you're alone in your room or staring out the window of a bus. I am still in Sixth Form/college (England's version of senior hear of high school) and have well a few months until university(College to any Americans). It use to scare me thinking about such things, whether I will be successful or not. But, these past few days I have realized and  acknowledged that I have no control over anything including my future to an extent. It seems like such an obvious general statement, but to me it's more than that. I have grown in my spiritual life as a Christian. It is difficult for me as a teenage christian to live my life right.But, then when I think about it,  that is just an excuse for me to accept an average life when I can be more than I am. When I let God take control I feel at peace. What I think is that  people, not just Christians believe that letting God take control means sitting back and literally not doing anything. But, I have learnt to pray,plan and act.

This message is short and a bit jumpy but I hope you will get something from it. By the way I am reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte so look forward for an intensive review. I might do several posts on the book because there is so much to say that it might not fit one post.

Saturday 13 April 2013

[GENERAL] So happy I can't breathe...Call the ambulance!

Is it possibly to love a guy you have never met? Is it possibly that the love you feel is not lust?

Well, I apologise for starting today with questions I don't even know the answers for. It makes me glad in my heart to love a person without feeling lust. It feels pure and innocent, and I am enjoying it. I pray for him when I don't hear from him for a while and when I do I cry out of happiness because he is well. I cry when he cries, I laugh when he laughs. I want to be there for him when he is weak and hold him and whisper in his ear that it is well. Should I reveal the person to you? I want to, but I am afraid if I get to know him well in the future it would be awkward that I wrote about him. Or by some extraordinary force he stumbles across this blog. However, I feel even if he does he wouldn't know that my heart and soul loves him. Just in case he does : *I LOVE YOU*.He has this habit of giggling and putting his hand over his mouth, it's quite feminine I think but it makes me love him even more. When he annoys me or disappoints me till I want to cry, I can forgive him and always do. I wish it was infatuation but how can it be when all I want is to see that smile on his face. He is tall I am told, but not quite handsome. But, I do not care because I am not the most beautiful girl in the world and my 5' 4 does not match his 6' 2. I am shy, he is not. We are like opposites but yet so alike that it feels that we are different coloured wool intertwined together.

You are probably wondering why I am telling you this or may be not :D Well, that is for me to know and you to never find out, maybe, probably. Sorry for the cliché ending. Hahaha

Au Reviour and God Bless

Saturday 19 January 2013

[MUSIC] Yiruma/Lee Ru-ma

Yiruma or Lee Ru-ma is one of my favourite pianist. Dare I say it, the best modern pianist alive. His simplicity and the raw genuine emotions which he shows through his music attracts a diverse spread of people. He inspires me to be hopeful and full of perseverance. I admire his talent and ability to translate his personality,character and soul into one music piece.

I feel as if I am not adequate to write about him. I believe that a person's true character is shown through how they perform in every aspect of life.  Well, in Yiruma I can see innocence, humility and kindness(the uncomplicated form of kindness).  I earnestly pray that I will posses that kind of character and strength. I want to be simply me and more. I don't want to be a mere product of the scum of bile produced by the world. Don't you want that?Don't you just want everyone to be honest, including yourself?  Don't worry I am not going to go on a rant about how complicated life is, because I don't believe in that assumption at all. Yes, life is not like a game with its own set of rules, which is easy for the player to follow. It is more beautiful than that. We are all like drop of water transcending from the sky; each drop form an ocean. Each person contribution, takes the world forward.

Mahatma Gandhi said, " You must not lose hope in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops are dirty, the whole ocean does not become dirty"

I don't know whether this is true for certain; I will be a fool to claim that I know the answers to life; but I like to think of it more optimistically. It saddens and worries me that certain "philosophers" or just people, can view the world with such a shaded view. It seems to be the new trend for people to be as pessimistic about life as they can. Or am I making a fictitious claims? Perhaps.
I am contemplating, the state of calmness with which I am writing this. Am I insane? Absolutely. If, I am sane, then it probably means I am conforming to society's norms and therefore I am in the box, not thinking outside it.

Take care today and look around. Try and notice things you haven't before and of course listen to YIRUMA!

NOTE: I don't know how this transformed from my favourite classical musician to contemplating about life. See, this is what Yiruma does to me!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

[BOOKS] Feminine Prowl- The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency

Happy New Year! I believe this year is going to be the year of expansion and great things to come! 
To start of I wanted to write about one of my favourite underrated female protagonist. Let me introduce you to 
Mma Ramostwe. 

In the midst of the patriarchal society of Africa , Mma Ramostwe defies all odds, and becomes the entrepreneur of the first female detective agency in Botswana. Her journey is filled with all the uneventful milestones in life, which the reader can easily identify with. She suffers a brutal marriage, has a miscarriage with her first child, and was left motherless at a young age.
 But, she demonstrates the strength of a woman in an opaque world. This inspirational woman defies all odds and changes her life and circumstances. The strength and nobility of this resilient woman leaves an impact on me and women all over the world. She is what I call, a true African woman.

Here's a quote I love from the book:

“If more women were in power, they wouldn't let wars break out," she said. "Women can't be bothered with all this fighting. We see war for what it is- a matter of broken bodies and crying mothers.” –No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. 

I hope one day I will be as inspirational as she is. Wherever you are, work hard this year and become do your best at everything you attempt!

God Bless y'all (Sorry for my use of Americanism), See you soon.

p.s I have the whole series of the book on my bookshelf(I hope your jealous)! That's how much I love it. I would absolutely recommend it to everyone. You don't even have to like detective novels, just get it.

Saturday 22 December 2012

[GENERAL] English literature rant & Poetry

To be or not to be.

I love English literature so much that I decided to do it for A-levels. But, I bet you are wondering why I am suddenly ranting about my first love-reading.

Well, we did an essay on a comparison of  two dramas, Blackadder Goes Forth and Journey's End. For those who know these plays, whether you have read them or watched them. You know that there is a distinct difference in the genre-satire vs the seriousness of war. Blah Blah Blah.

I spent two weeks on this coursework and slept at 12 pm minimum every night . But. why you wonder? Well, if you haven't realised I love Anglais and I am determined to do well.
HAHA, I love irony. According to my teacher who proof read it; it was worth an A! But, guess what I got?
Around a D! Her reason for my grade and failure was because of the structure of my writing. I won't lie at that time I felt like Jo from Little Women being criticised by Professor Friedrich "Fritz" Bhaer. I wanted to cry so badly! Have you ever felt like that? That all your hard work was worthless?

Hmm, so to take out my angst I wrote this in my English lesson. Truthfully, this is the most work I have done in lesson and it's not even related to anything we are suppose to do.

" The first time I received my coursework . I was devastated, angry and tearful. I had spent the best of my sleeping time mowing through the world of literature in search of the Shakespeare within me. Looking down at red marks of criticism I wanted to cry. But, then I have learned that the harsher the criticism you receive the better you are; and the better the teacher wants you to be. At least that's what I say to comfort my remnants of my pride. I won't lie, I relied on my natural talent to get me through the essay. I wasn't as organised as I could have been. The truth is I hate organisation within my work, because that's not how I think. My mind jumps everywhere, and I want my reader to jump with me helplessly, attempting to decipher my writing. But, I guess this is not enough. However, I am not deterred; though this I shall work hard and accomplish the impossible.(Too dramatic?)

Well, I am not done yet,hehe. Maya Angelou's poem, " Phenomenal Woman", is what I recite to myself in times of self doubt- you should check it out if you can. It's amazing!

Here are my poems, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing them :D I don't know what to call them yet..

Poem 1
I wonder if all the love in the world is enough
Enough to save my wondering soul
The hushing sounds of the river
The tormenting cry of the wind,
Soothing me into a deep caressing sleep
I feel empty
Then, empty and cold
I see darkness
Then darkness and fear,
I feel the contours of my ancestors
Warning me, 
The harmony of their voices
Tormenting me
Is it right to fear imperfections?

Poem 2

I want to fall in love
And forget about
I want his eyes to look into mine
And just look
I want the reverberance of his voice
And tingle
I want to forget the world
And just see


Poem 3

If I were to be a bird
I would be beautiful and graceful
When men see me
They will smile
That sordid smile, Of men
If I were to die
I would die a peaceful death
When mourners see me
They will cry,
Cry those tears that Mary, mother of Jesus cried,
When he finds me,
He will love me,
His addiction to my scent, my smile, my snarl,
Would make him

(Well, I hope you survived that amateur piece of poetry,but I always think the best poet are the unprofessional writers; apart from Maya Angelou-she's awesome. However, if you look at someone like Wilfred Owen, he was just a mere soldier-but if you read his poetry you will understand what I mean).

If you have any advice or compliments(I love those) just write a comment and tell me, I would love to know.

See you soon :D

Wednesday 27 June 2012

[GENERAL] Going to Sixth-form Panic

For those who do not know what sixth form is, its just 2 years of school before us(English people) go to university/college as known in America.

Either way I am panicking mostly because it is a new school and although some of my friends are going there (not why I chose the school) but because I HAVE TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS. I am friendly once you get to know me and quite strong-headed. However, I tend to be shy and redrawn in huge crowds where conversation is possible. Simply said, I am not good at making new friends. I know I would be fine in the end, but I don't know how to reinvent myself in a way where I would come across as I would like.  First impressions do count as I have been told several times, so I'm trying to prepare myself for a good one. Perhaps I shouldn't worry as much.

Good news, GCSE's are finished. I just realised how tiring it was, but I'm too happy to reminisce about the past.

Take care of yourself and enjoy your summer!!!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

[GENERAL] The future is now

Never give up on your dreams. I have always wanted to do something significant, amazing and unique. I want to be a writer, a doctor, a traveller. It's a dream which seems impossible, but with all the amazing changes going on around us, and with the boundless opportunities I have; I think it would be selfish of me to hold back.

Tips on how to follow your dreams:
1) Surround yourself with loving caring people(haters are going to hate, but you don't need to be around them constantly)

2) Love and believe in yourself(the only person stopping you from being your best is you)

3) Try so hard, that even if your dreams don't come true, you'd know you've done all you could have.

Good-luck to all the dreamers, adventures and flyers out there.

Who would have thought man would make it to the moon, or fly over oceans.

Saturday 27 August 2011


Sorry everyone,we're been on holiday and haven't updated recently.We will try and do so.
Thank-you for your patience.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

[QUOTES]Thought for today

Thought for today:
"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,love like you'll never be hurt,sing like there's nobody listening,and live like it's heaven"
William W.Purkey