Tuesday, 1 January 2013

[BOOKS] Feminine Prowl- The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency

Happy New Year! I believe this year is going to be the year of expansion and great things to come! 
To start of I wanted to write about one of my favourite underrated female protagonist. Let me introduce you to 
Mma Ramostwe. 

In the midst of the patriarchal society of Africa , Mma Ramostwe defies all odds, and becomes the entrepreneur of the first female detective agency in Botswana. Her journey is filled with all the uneventful milestones in life, which the reader can easily identify with. She suffers a brutal marriage, has a miscarriage with her first child, and was left motherless at a young age.
 But, she demonstrates the strength of a woman in an opaque world. This inspirational woman defies all odds and changes her life and circumstances. The strength and nobility of this resilient woman leaves an impact on me and women all over the world. She is what I call, a true African woman.

Here's a quote I love from the book:

“If more women were in power, they wouldn't let wars break out," she said. "Women can't be bothered with all this fighting. We see war for what it is- a matter of broken bodies and crying mothers.” –No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. 

I hope one day I will be as inspirational as she is. Wherever you are, work hard this year and become do your best at everything you attempt!

God Bless y'all (Sorry for my use of Americanism), See you soon.

p.s I have the whole series of the book on my bookshelf(I hope your jealous)! That's how much I love it. I would absolutely recommend it to everyone. You don't even have to like detective novels, just get it.

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