Thank-you for your patience.
Where the East meets the West, the North meets the South, and the Cherry Blossoms meet the Apples. Life begins with ink and paper...
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Sorry everyone,we're been on holiday and haven't updated recently.We will try and do so.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
[QUOTES]Thought for today
Thought for today:
"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,love like you'll never be hurt,sing like there's nobody listening,and live like it's heaven"
William W.Purkey
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
[GENERAL] Getting fit
So, I've decided since I don't have much to do this summer holidays,I'll try and get fit and all that crap.So, I've joined this Couch to 5k fitness running thing.Basically, all I have to do is upload the free pod-cast and follow the instructions;apparently I will be able to run 5k(equivalent to 3 miles)in around 6 weeks plus.
Today is my 1st week(have to run three times a week) and the second day and I feel so tired.I never realised how unfit I was.I mean I look amazing(just self confidence people,not being vain),but I'm really proud of how much progress I've made.
Here's a link to the nhs website that inspired me:
Not sure if the link works,just copy and paste it.
I have no ownership to the website,it belongs to the nhs(national health trust) and has no viruses and junk guys.I'll never do that to you.
Wish me luck people,I hope I'll be able to do it.
Friday, 29 July 2011
[GENERAL] Despair

Bored please save me someone.If you are on holiday and if you understand, my sympathies go out to you. As I lay here alone and desperate with nothing but my sword and my book. The world before me, offering itself eagerly.But, I'm held in the cage of my own body and a house which was once my protector.
Save me...
Copy-rights of this picture does not belong to me, if this is yours please comment and tell me and I would credit it to you.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
[GENERAL] Summertime Fun
So, it's summer time and I'm stuck at home relatively bored. Most people(totally lucky) are on holiday, to America,Jamaica or even Hawaii(which is an American state).
So,what to do? Here's a list of ideas that I conjoined:
Play cards
Camp indoors
Treasure hunt
Read a book
Paint you nails & toes(if you're a girl)
Get you camera and take some pictures
Write in your book or journal
Paint(you never know, you might be the next Picasso).
Ride your bike or rollerblade
Play tag
Take your camera and take some pictures
Play football
Go swimming
Try and be helpful around your neighbourhood
Join Summer Clubs
Go to the Park
Well,that's all I can think of at the moment, if you have any ideas just comment.
TIP-Make sure you don't spend summer doing nothing and the regretting it in the end.Have a goal, even if it's silly.
Monday, 25 July 2011
[BOOKS] Pride and Prejudice- Ms Benning
Pride and Prejudice, what a lovely and mesmerizing classic which I only got to understand after two hours of concentration and replenishing snacks.
When I first read it, as Jane Austen intended, I read it from Elizabeth Bennet's point of view as required. However after the third attempt of reading I thought,"What an annoying,pestering nightmare Ms. Bennet is?"
But, I think she is every mother that wants the best for her children.In those days women were not expected work or even move without a man!!! Although,Austen romatically potrayed them falling in love, it wasn't like that in real life. So poor Ms Bennet is seen as a regular party pooper,even though she's the only non-fiction character in my opinion that shows as the truth about society then.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
[QUOTE] Quote About The World
"The world should be complicated in an uncomplicated way"-Afri
[GENERAL] When Your Credit Runs Out!
I finally followed my mums advise and decide to be more social. So I call my friends, Facebook them and talk to the guy I like. What is my precious reward?
My phone credit runs out! For those on contract you will never understand!
So, I'm in a middle of an important phone call and my credit runs out...boom.In a flash I receive an unwanted message telling me I have 60 seconds of talk time!
Give it to me you stupid phone I scream unnecessarily at my phone.
What is the point of post, I really don't know.Just empathise with me people.
Why do I have a leaf as a picture? I have no idea.
Monday, 18 July 2011
[GENERAL] The Gazelle - My Favourite Animal
Cats,dog and all kinds of pets are our favourite typical animals, but there is one beast that stands out, even if you don't notice.
It glides and soars,
Displaying and boasting it's structure,
Envied by it's foes and loved by all,
It's magnificent flaws are like,
A piece of piano music stringed together mercifully.
What beauty,
What pride,
Striding along the green pastures,
What beauty,
A beast like no other.
This is dedicated to my favourite animal the gazelle. MOVE ASIDE LIONS AND DOGS.
[GENERAL] History -It's In The Past!
I have to do history all day tomorrow, as much I love learning about dead people's lives and what they did, I really don't want to be answering past papers all day. Oral work-fine, I am happy.
But sitting down on our bums all day writing, you got to be kidding right, not even my beloved, sweetheart, bastard Shakespeare(yes I'm jealous of him) did that.
500+ sonnets so what(I actually envy and love him)Just taking my anger on him.
[GENERAL] Cute Boy Sleeping
The boy I am in love with was sleeping in class(Not good...I know guys).When the teacher woke him up and he opened his eyes, he was like a deer in headlights.So cute and hot. Il y a chaud.
Why I love him?
No idea but I guess it's better to love than not to love at all.
Hope for some miraculous reason he asks me out...probably not,but a girl's got to dream right?
[GENERAL] Different Ways To Eat Muffins
When bored what do you do?
NOTE: I absolutely hate this post! Guys, feel free to tell us how much you hate this post! I don't even know what Afri was thinking! What WAS she thinking?! - Sakura!
Well, I love playing with my food...You can tell me how bad it is,blah blah blah.
But come on guys, live a little(If you feel this is directed at you, it is)
Bite "normally" with teeth.
Lick and twirl with tongue.
With fork or spoon(preferably a spork) take a piece.
Sit on it and make it all crumbly.
Blend in blender and add milk responsible.
Crumble in tomato soup(ask doctors advice first).
What do guys do when bored???
NOTE: I absolutely hate this post! Guys, feel free to tell us how much you hate this post! I don't even know what Afri was thinking! What WAS she thinking?! - Sakura!
Friday, 8 July 2011
[GENERAL] Poetry-The Amazing Words You Will Ever Hear
Some people think the analysis of poetry is unessential. However, I believe we analyse everything everyday and if school wants to contribute to it, then I say," Oui" to it.
Free Spirit
The free spirit looks at the clouds,
Not to say, “Is it going to rain?"
But to see how beautiful the soft floating pillows are,
It does not look at the tree which bears no fruit with disgust,
But instead it says," How magnificent this tree will be",
Like a dandelion it flies around,
Not only to look at the world but to bring it hope,
It says, “There’s hope in this world"
It doesn't only search,
It discovers,
A free spirit is as free as it can be through others,
The free spirit looks at the clouds,
Not to say, “Is it going to rain?"
But to see how beautiful the soft floating pillows are,
It does not look at the tree which bears no fruit with disgust,
But instead it says," How magnificent this tree will be",
Like a dandelion it flies around,
Not only to look at the world but to bring it hope,
It says, “There’s hope in this world"
It doesn't only search,
It discovers,
A free spirit is as free as it can be through others,
What do guys think of this poem?
Good? Bad?
Share you thoughts.
Copyrights to afri.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
[GENERAL] Start with the man in the mirror
Today I listened to Michael Jackson's song,"Man in the Mirror" for no apparent reason and I thought,WOW, I felt this rush of emotion not because I was touched by his musicality but by the words. I realised that I wasn't being the best person I could be. Before you all go," Stop putting pressure on yourself"like my friends would. Wait a second and here me out.
I have a dream...and it's to help out the world because so many innocent people don't get a chance, absolutely no chance. There's no but...It's just a full stop for them and I really want to do something for them.
Before I go completely of subject I want to make my point-I think I need to make a change with myself before I go trying to changing others.
I making a pledge to myself(I hope you do too)- to notice something bad in myself e.g. bad temper and try to control. It's not easy but if you are lucky enough to have loving people around you, maybe they can help you. Let's start a peace revolution.
One the power of one!,
We can change the world-Israel Houghton
Peace dudes...feel loved.
Credits: To whoever we took the info from. If you want us to name the source then leave a comment! We will be happy to!
Credits: To whoever we took the info from. If you want us to name the source then leave a comment! We will be happy to!
[QUOTES] Quotes to make you think!
"Quotes are just words stringed together by someone to make you think" - Afri.
I hope these quotes make you smile,laugh,cry and thin,"damn I'm lucky."
"When I do something stupid people look at me weirdly, but when Lady Gaga does it"-applauds.I guess that's the bonuses of being a "star".
I've been there before
And I'll try it again
But any fool knows
That there's no way to win
Here we go againShe'll break my heart again
I'll play the part again-Ray Charles
But any fool knows
That there's no way to win
Here we go againShe'll break my heart again
I'll play the part again-Ray Charles
"I never wanted to be famous. I only wanted to be great."
Ray Charles
Ray Charles
"Love is a special word, and I use it only when I mean it. You say the word too much and it becomes cheap."
Ray Charles
Ray Charles
Don't you guys just love Ray Charles
"I don't think I'm bad for people. If I did think I was bad for people, I would go back to driving a truck, and I really mean this."
Elvis Presley
Have to agree with Elvis here. If you think I'm bad for you and I believe it I'll get another occupation!LOL
Elvis Presley
Have to agree with Elvis here. If you think I'm bad for you and I believe it I'll get another occupation!LOL
"I hope I didn't bore you too much with my life story."
Elvis Presley
"My movements, ma'am, are all leg movements. I don't do nothing with my body."
Elvis Presley
Haha, now that's comedy gold!
Elvis Presley
"My movements, ma'am, are all leg movements. I don't do nothing with my body."
Elvis Presley
Haha, now that's comedy gold!
"But O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes."
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
"Dogs never bite me. Just humans."
Marilyn Monroe
"Before I never knew what was the big fuss about Marilyn until I watched her movies! Love her."
Marilyn Monroe
"Before I never knew what was the big fuss about Marilyn until I watched her movies! Love her."
"Dreaming about being an actress, is more exciting then being one."
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it."
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
"All men are equal before fish."
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover
"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes."
Jim Carrrey
Jim Carrrey
"I have a love interest in every one of my films: a gun."
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Credits: To whoever owns the stuff. If you want us to name the source then just leave a comment. We won't leave you hanging!
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Credits: To whoever owns the stuff. If you want us to name the source then just leave a comment. We won't leave you hanging!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
[BOOK] Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
We've all heard about the poor orphan Oliver Twist and what a genius Dickens is. But truth be told I've only seen plays or watched the movie until today, when I read chapter 1 of the book. Ironically I needed a dictionary by my side partly because my vocab book is quite dry.
What I want to know from everyone is whether you've read, watched or even played a part in it at school and what you think of it. Is it an old book past it's time or a amazing glorious piece of literature.
My opinion is that it is very interesting and draws me in. Although, I used my dictionary more than I wanted to, I believe that the world is a learning process, so if Dickens is going to teach me the life of an orphaned poor Victorian boy, then so be it!
Word of the day-"Idyllic" meaning perfect.
Credits: Goes to whoever we borrowed the work from. If you want us to name the source, then just ask!
Credits: Goes to whoever we borrowed the work from. If you want us to name the source, then just ask!
Hey my little warriors, my name is African Warrior or you can call me Afri if you want to. Basically, I set up this blog so I can get everyone views on different subjects. Plus I love heated discussion so this will be a more watered version of how I am. I love reading, music and movies, but not as much as the latter. However, strongly believe that education and exposure allows us to be better individuals, therefore I will listen to your views and gladly answer any questions.
P.S. any question or post is not targeted to offend anyone.
P.S. any question or post is not targeted to offend anyone.
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