Saturday 19 January 2013

[MUSIC] Yiruma/Lee Ru-ma

Yiruma or Lee Ru-ma is one of my favourite pianist. Dare I say it, the best modern pianist alive. His simplicity and the raw genuine emotions which he shows through his music attracts a diverse spread of people. He inspires me to be hopeful and full of perseverance. I admire his talent and ability to translate his personality,character and soul into one music piece.

I feel as if I am not adequate to write about him. I believe that a person's true character is shown through how they perform in every aspect of life.  Well, in Yiruma I can see innocence, humility and kindness(the uncomplicated form of kindness).  I earnestly pray that I will posses that kind of character and strength. I want to be simply me and more. I don't want to be a mere product of the scum of bile produced by the world. Don't you want that?Don't you just want everyone to be honest, including yourself?  Don't worry I am not going to go on a rant about how complicated life is, because I don't believe in that assumption at all. Yes, life is not like a game with its own set of rules, which is easy for the player to follow. It is more beautiful than that. We are all like drop of water transcending from the sky; each drop form an ocean. Each person contribution, takes the world forward.

Mahatma Gandhi said, " You must not lose hope in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops are dirty, the whole ocean does not become dirty"

I don't know whether this is true for certain; I will be a fool to claim that I know the answers to life; but I like to think of it more optimistically. It saddens and worries me that certain "philosophers" or just people, can view the world with such a shaded view. It seems to be the new trend for people to be as pessimistic about life as they can. Or am I making a fictitious claims? Perhaps.
I am contemplating, the state of calmness with which I am writing this. Am I insane? Absolutely. If, I am sane, then it probably means I am conforming to society's norms and therefore I am in the box, not thinking outside it.

Take care today and look around. Try and notice things you haven't before and of course listen to YIRUMA!

NOTE: I don't know how this transformed from my favourite classical musician to contemplating about life. See, this is what Yiruma does to me!

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